Tripolitania 1933 Libya Italy 12L Graf Zeppelin Rome 2nd SAF Brazil Cover
This page contains items from the German Third Reich. These are offered for historical purposes only and not in order to incite hatred or intolerance in any form. Our items have been used in multiple scholarly publications, donated to multiple museums (including at least one Holocaust museum), and appeared in multiple historical/antique television shows. We have been a respected member of the stamp-collecting community for over two decades. Our pieces are for serious collectors and historians only.
Item #:91879
Date Used1933-05-27
Attractive registered, mixed-frank Libia / Libya - Tripolitania cover flown on the Graf Zeppelin LZ127 airship's Romfahrt / Rome flight in 1933 and then further flown on the 2. Suedamerikafahrt (SAF) / 2nd South American Flight to Brazil. With Wolf and Romulus Remus cachet, Tripoli CDS, Rome machine way cancel, and Pernambuco receiver. The Tripolitania 12L frankings are scarce, as are doubly-flown covers. Longhi 698, CV EUR1800.

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